
中川政七商店 「絵形香」

*English follows Japanese.










中川政七商店 https://www.nakagawa-masashichi.jp/shop/goods/search.aspx?search=x&keyword=絵形香&search=search


Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten “Egatakou”

Tango no Sekku* is coming soon.

*Tango no Sekku (端午の節句), is one of the five annual ceremonies that were traditionally held at the Japanese imperial court. In Japan, May 5 is a national holiday known as Children’s Day, and there is a custom of wishing for the healthy growth of boys.

The cute decoration will make you feel the season even in a small space.

Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten was founded in the first year of Kyoho (1716) in Nara. Since their establishment, they have been selling hand-woven products made of hand-made threads. And their fashionable and cute product lines have always been loved by people of all ages.

Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten‘s product “Egatakou” is a Kabuto made of hand-woven linen fabric scented with a gentle Japanese fragrance.

Featuring cute colors and a soothing incense-like scent, this “Egatakou” can be displayed upright in the groove on the lid of the box, or can be carried around in your wallet or bag.

Sending a letter with this “Egatakou” will be a heart-warming gift to your loved ones.

It is also recommended to accompany a gift to express gratitude or celebrate someone.

Currently, this Kabuto-shaped “Egatakou” is out of stock, but there are different kinds of products such as new item with hydrangea-shaped works. Take a look at their website.

Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten https://www.nakagawa-masashichi.jp/shop/goods/search.aspx?search=x&keyword=Egataka & search = search


クヴォン・デ・ミニム 「プティ デュオ アクアサクラエ ハンドクリーム&リサンドラ」

*English follows Japanese.




アクアサクラエ ハンドクリーム」はシアバターと植物オイルをブレンドした使い心地がサラッとしたクリームで、パウダリーフローラルの香りはまさにいい女の香り!





クヴォン・デ・ミニム https://www.lecouventparfums.com/jp/

プティデュオ アクアサクラエハンドクリーム&リサンドラ」 1,540円(税込)


Le Couvent des Minimes “Petit Duo Aqua Sacrae Hand Cream & Lysandra”

Le Couvent des Minimes, the convent founded in Provence, Southern France in 1614, is the place where Louis Feuillée who was later appointed by Louis XIV as a botanist and traveled the world spent his youth.

Le Couvent des Minimes is a 100% vegan fragrance brand that celebrates the achievements of Louis Feuillée and is also a unique brand that inherits the botanical tradition of the convent.

A gift box of a hand cream and a perfume from this vegan fragrance brand will cheer you up.

Aqua Sacrae Hand Cream is a smooth cream blended with shea butter and vegetable oil. Its powdery floral scent is very classic.

The fragrance “Lysandra” was made with an image of an elegant butterfly. It also has the powdery floral scent. Since it is plant-based, the scent is gentle and elegant but it doesn’t irritate your nose.

This product will make you feel refreshed.

It is recommended for yourself and friends you care as a gift.

Le Couvent des Minimes https://www.lecouventparfums.com/jp/

Petit Duo Aqua Sacrae Hand Cream & Lysandra 1,540 yen (tax incl.)

Posted: Apr 27, 2020


*English follows Japanese.












ヴィヨン https://villon.co.jp

「カットクーヘン 詰め合わせ」   1,410円(税別)


Sakurashinmachi, Tokyo: Villon “Assorted Cut Kuchen”

Villon was founded in 1965, in Sakurashinmachi, which is famous as the town of Sazae-san, the popular anime in Japan. They sell the authentic Baumkuchen, which is baked layer by layer like a tree ring.

Here, the unique jar-shaped Baumkuchen and Baumkuchen with fruit jelly are also famous. No emulsifiers or leavening agents are used.

“Assorted Cut Kuchen” is the product of Villon that you can enjoy various flavors of Baumkuchen.

There are 6 flavors of Baumkuchen: special, maple, trio, cacao, matcha, and sake kasu*.

*Sake kasu is the leftover bits from the sake making process.

Our recommendation is Sake kasu and Special.

With Sake kasu, you can smell the mellow scent of sake lees, and the modest sweetness brings out the flavors of eggs and butter.

Special uses gold almond paste and vanilla beans from Madagascar, and it has a sweet, deep and classy taste.

Villon’s Baumkuchen has a spongy and moist texture, and that makes you wanna eat more.

A snack time is a must for stay home.

Sharing a quality time as a gift would be also good.

You can also order by fax, so check it out.

Villon https://villon.co.jp

Assorted Cut Kuchen 1,410 yen (tax excl.)

Posted: Apr 23, 2020


*English follows Japanese.










軽井沢ファーマーズギフト https://www.farmers-gift.com/SHOP/EA-01.html

「マドレーヌチーズバーガー」 350円(税別)


Karuizawa Farmers Gift “Sweet Cheeseburger”

“Sweet Cheeseburger” has been introduced on TV and is becoming a new standard souvenir from Karuizawa.

This is a madeleine cheeseburger with thick cream cheese sandwiched between madeleines that are baked by a craftsman.

The salty cream chees brings out the sweetness of madeleine.

The cream cheese is rich and satisfying.

You can enjoy it both cool and hot. Find your favorite way!

You can get it online even if you cannot visit Karuizawa now.

Although you might not be able to see your loved ones now, you might be able to tell them how much you care about them by sending gift.

Fine foods will lighten people’s mind.

Karuizawa Farmers Gift https://www.farmers-gift.com/SHOP/EA-01.html

Sweet Cheeseburger 350 yen (tax excl.)

Posted: Apr 20, 2020

haluta(ハルタ) lrma(イヤマ「ハンドルバスケット」

*English follows Japanese.




果物やおやつを入れてカウンターに置いておいたり、タオルを入れて置いたり、ブランケットを入れてリビングに…e.t.c 様々な場所、場面で使えそうです!





haluta(ハルタ) http://zakka.haluta-shop.jp/?pid=115287567

「イヤマ ハンドルバスケット」 2,200円(税込)


haluta – lrma “handle basket”

Irma is the long-established supermarket founded in 1886 in Copenhagen, Denmark, which was introduced in the previous article. Their organic foods are famous as one of their main products.

Irma’s original handle basket is a small basket with 24 cm diameter of the bottom. natural wood material fits into any interior.

There are various ways of use, for example, storing fruits or snacks, and putting towels or blankets. They can be used as an interior in the kitchen and living room.

You can also find a cute logo of Irma-chan on the bottom.

It’s pratical to organize small stuff like yarn and handicraft tools.

If you have been staying home for long time, redecorating or making over your room might refresh you.

Make your home comfortable and get your stress out.

haluta http://zakka.haluta-shop.jp/?pid=115287567

Irma handle basket 2,200 yen (tax incl.)

Posted: Apr 16, 2020

パレド オール「コフレ プランタン」

*English follows Japanese.

ショコラティエの三枝俊介氏が手がけるショコラティエ パレ ド オールは2004年に開業されました。








ショコラティエ プラ ド オール https://palet-dor.ocnk.net/product/111

「コフレ プランタン」   2,000円(税別)


Tokyo & Osaka: Chocolatier Palet D’or “Coffret Printemps”

Chocolatier Palet D’or, designed by Chocolatier Shunsuke Saegusa, was opened in 2004.

There you can purchase chocolates made with cacao beans carefully selected, which was created by Mr. Saegusa who inherited the philosophy and spirit as a chocolatier directly from the late Maurice Bernachon at “Bernachon”, a famous store in Lyon, France,

“Coffret Printemps” is a popular chocolate in spring expressing spring in Japan with the flavor of bonbon chocolates.

There are 5 flavors of chocolate, “Nanohana Pistache”, “Umeshu Chocolat”, “Kiyomi Orange”, “Spring Strawberry” and “Sakura Noir”, which all have spring delightful colours.

The chocolate is smooth, and the juicy plum puree and orange puree stand out.

The chocolate is exceptionally delicious, and its taste and presentation allow you to enjoy the beautiful spring days.

It will make a quality time at home with tasty and colourful chocolate.

It is currently on sale online.

Chocolatier Palet D’or https://palet-dor.ocnk.net/product/111

Coffret Printemps 2,000 yen (tax excl.)

Posted: Apr 13, 2020


*English follows Japanese.

以前の記事でもご紹介している北海道のNORTH FARM STOCK(ノースファームストック)。


レシピも出来るだけオリジナルで、というこちらのNORTH FARM STOCKから絶品「北海道ブルーチーズディップ」をご紹介します。








NORTH FARM STOCK https://www.northfarmstock.com

「北海道ブルーチーズディップ」  750円(税別)


Hokkaido: NORTH FARM STOCK “Hokkaido Blue Cheese Dip”

NORTH FARM STOCK in Hokkaido, which was introduced in the previous article.

Their products are basically handmade with high quality materials in Hokkaido. Also their recipes are made as original as possible.

“Hokkaido Blue Cheese Dip” is the exquisite product from NORTH FARM STOCK.

It uses blue cheese from “Hokkaido Kobayashi Bokujo Story”, which has won the Excellence Award in the All Japan Natural Cheese Contest. The dip is finished with mayonnaise-based seasoning.

It goes well with grilled chicken.

It’s tasty like the taste of restaurant.

This is highly recommended to everyone.

People stay home and barely go out for dinner these days. This will make you feel as if eating out.

It is easy to prepare the gorgeous dinner by simply adding the dip to the dish.

It will make a great gift.

NORTH FARM STOCK https://www.northfarmstock.com

Hokkaido Blue Cheese Dip 750 yen (tax excl.)

Posted: Apr 9, 2020

鎌倉 ca ca o アロマ生チョコレート「CACAO 65」

*English follows Japanese.

日本人の舌に合う、日常で楽しめる本当に美味しいチョコレートを作りたい、という思いから始まった鎌倉発チョコレート専門店「ca ca o」

美味しさとサスティナビリティへのこだわりからコロンビアに自社農園を持つまでになった「ca ca o」の本格生チョコレートを今回はご紹介したいと思います。

生チョコレート「CACAO 65」はコロンビア産のフレッシュなカカオ豆から作ったカカオ分61%と70%のビターチョコレートと、生クリームを合わせて作られたチョコレートです。





ca ca o https://shop.ca-ca-o.com/products/detail/72

「CACAO 65」 16粒入り  2,160円(税込)


Kamakura: ca ca o – Aroma Nama-chocolate “CACAO 65”

ca ca o started their business in Kamakura with their concept to create chocolates that have the taste Japanese people like and are enjoyable in daily life.

In constant pursuit to quality of taste and sustainability, “ca ca o” has grown and now has their own farm in Colombia.

CACAO 65 is an authentic Nama-chocolate, which is Japanese ganache-like chocolate, made by mixing fresh cream, and bitter chocolates containing 61% and 70% cacao made from fresh Colombian cacao beans.

It melts in your mouth in a moment, and you can enjoy the fine bitterness of cacao.

With the modest sweetness and the fruity aroma of fresh cacao beans, the chocolate is an acquired taste.

It actually tastes good and can be enjoyed by all generations.

It’s a high-quality chocolate, so you may want to savor one by one. This will be a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day and White Day, and special occasions.

ca ca o https://shop.ca-ca-o.com/products/detail/72

“CACAO 65” 16 pieces 2,160 yen (tax incl.)

Posted: April 1, 2020

長野 信州 まるたか「野沢菜メンマ」

*English follows Japanese.







まるたか https://item.rakuten.co.jp/sinsyu-marutaka/102554262/

野沢菜メンマ」 540円(税込)


Shinshu, Nagano: Marutaka “Nozawana Menma”

We are going to introduce the useful food for side dishes and snacks.

Marutaka‘s “Nozawana Menma” is a chinese-style seasoned dish of various ingredients: menma (bamboo shoots), Nozawana (turnip greens), shimeji mushrooms, wood ear, garlic, sesame, chili pepper, ginger, etc.

A chewy texture and a juicy taste of Nozawana menma go well with rice. Its spicy flavor also makes it a perfect accompaniment as snacks for beer.

You can make good use of it in different ways such as topping on ramen or cooking it with porc.

It’s not too spicy so that even kids can eat it. It is very practical and easy to bring out the taste of dish.

This item is recommended as a gift.

Marutaka https://item.rakuten.co.jp/sinsyu-marutaka/102554262/

Nozawana Menma 540 yen (tax incl.)

Posted: Mar 30, 2020