

*English follows Japanese.







八幡屋礒五郎  「どこでも七味」  648円(税込)


Shichimi of Yawataya Isogoro is well known as Shichimi of red tin cans. Let me introduce you their product “Dokodemo Shichimi” which is easy to carry.
Yawataya Isogoro is a long-established Shichimi pepper maker that has been in Nagano since the Edo period.
“Dokodemo(means ‘everywhere/anywhere’) Shichimi” is one-serving of Shichimi, Yuzu Shichimi, Shichimi Garam-Masara, Ichimi, Bird eye, Japanese powdered pepper, and six different types of Shichimi, packaged in a thin case that is convenient for carrying.
I like Shichimi, so I often buy canned shichimi. But the color turned red before I knew it… I actually never completely finished it.
I assume that there may be many homes that can not use it up.
“Dokodemo Shichimi” is easy to carry I insist, but it is very useful because it is a single-use size!
Moreover, you can enjoy various flavors.
It was the first time I tried Bird eye and Shichimi Garam Masala. Bird eye was quite hot! It’s recommended for those who like hot and spicy foods. And Shichimi Garam and Masala can make ethnic meal in a dash.
The item would be appreciated if you bring it as a souvenir of Nagano.
The product can be purchased at the online shop of Yawataya Isogoro.
Yawataya Isogoro “Dokodemo Shichimi”   648 yen (tax included)


*English follows Japanese.

河田勝彦シェフはフランスのお菓子を理解するために歴史や文化を徹底的に学んだとおっしゃっておられます。そんなシェフの独自の哲学に基づいて作る「オーボンヴュータン」の「プチフール ドゥミ セック」というお菓子を今回はご紹介します。







オーボンヴュータン   https://aubonvieuxtemps.jp

「プチフール ドゥミ セック」 12個入り   1,566円(税込)


【AU BON VIEUX TEMPS: Petits Fours Demi-Sec】
Katsuhiko Kawada, who trained in France for nine years from 1966 to 1975, and opened “AU BON VIEUX TEMPS” in 1981 after returning to Japan, is a so-called leading figure of French confectionery.
Chef Katsuhiko Kawada tells that he thoroughly studied history and culture in order to understand French sweets.
Petits Fours Demi-Secis the sweet produced by “AU BON VIEUX TEMPS”, based on his unique philosophy.
When the box is unwrapped, you will be impressed by the cute bite-sized, half-baked sweets lined up beautifully.
The products are rich in almond powder, tastes rum, or crispy meringue. A variety of tastes and textures can be enjoyed in one box.
Take your time to taste one by one because it is traditional French sweets that you cannot easily try them in other stores.
The packaging is also classy and making it feel special, it will be very pleasing even as a gift for White Day, as well as a formal place.
Products including baked goods are available online, but the “Petits Fours Demi-Sec” is only available at the physical store.
This would be a great gift for someone important or in important situations.
AU BON VIEUX TEMPS “Petits Fours Demi-Sec” 12 pieces 1,566 yen (tax included)

「まきたて四角」 無花果 広島

*English follows Japanese.







無花果(いちじく)  「まきたて四角」3個   1,404円(税込)


【Ichijiku: Makitate Shikaku】
A confectionery shop called “Ichijiku” is located in the residential area of Saeki-ku in Hiroshima city.
Needless to say this pattiserie shop is popular in the area, customers come a long way by car at the same time the shop is opened, contrary to their modest appearance of the shop.
When the former President Obama visited Hiroshima several years ago, there was a direct request from Hiroshima prefecture to the shop to serve their sweets as a souvenir for the president.
From this story, you can find that it is a famous western confectionery store in Hiroshima.
Here is a recommendation from Ichijiku, “Makitate Shikaku”.
This cake using a large amount of eco-lemon from Hiroshima Setoda is coated with a lemon syrup on a moist dough. The sourness and sweetness of the lemon are so delicious and its aftertaste feels refreshing.
Since it is quite thick, it may be just enough to eat one bag with two people.
You can enjoy more when you eat it cold.
Available at the store, and their online shop.
Ichijiku “Makitate Shikaku” 3 pieces  1,404 yen (tax included)


*English follows Japanese.

そんな白樺をイメージしたお菓子「信州 白樺の並木」を今回はご紹介したいと思います。






信州 白樺の並木    4個入り    540円(税込)



【Shinshu Shirakaba no Namiki】
Nagano has beautiful white birch forests in Lake Shirakaba, Shiga Kogen, Tateshina Kogen etc. The birch is known as a prefectural tree in Nagano.
Today, I would like to introduce you a sweet “Shinshu Shirakaba no Namiki”, expressing the white birch.
The moist dough of Baumkuchen is coated with two colors of chocolate of black and white, expressing the texture of the birch wood surface that symbolizes the plateau of Shinshu. The product is packed by each portion, so it is convenient to eat.
The balance between the solid sweetness of white chocolate and milk chocolate and the taste of Baumkuchen is exquisite. It is a perfect match with coffee and tea.
Put it in a fridge for a little while, so you can enjoy both the crispy texture of chocolates and the fluffy texture of Baumkuchen.
Of course as a souvenir when you visit Nagano, it will be appreciated as a gift for your home or a friend’s house.
Even if you do not have a chance to go to Nagano, you can purchase at Rakuten (currently 4 pieces package is sold out). Why don’t you try?
Shinshu Shirakaba no Namiki 4 pcs   ¥ 540 (tax included)

グリーンビーントゥバーチョコレート- green been to bar CHOCOLATE 「ORANGETTE(オランジェット)」 

*English follows Japanese.
以前もご紹介した green been to bar CHOCOLATE  ですが、今回はこちらのお店の「ORANGETTE (オランジェット)」をご紹介したいと思います。



green bean to bar CHOCOLATE にはカフェが併設してありチョコやケーキに合わせる飲み物として、日本酒やワイン、シャンパーニュなどがメニューとしてあります。

ORANGETTE (オランジェット)を一口食べてみて、たしかにお酒を一口飲みたくなりました。まさに「大人のチョコ」の印象です。



green been to bar CHOCOLATE    ORANGETTE(オランジェット)   1袋35g   540円(税込)


【green bean to bar CHOCOLATE: ORANGETTE】
green bean to bar CHOCOLATE, which I wrote about previously, also provides a product “ORANGETTE”
Made from organic orange coated with cocoa powder and chocolate, the harmony of the refined taste of cacao in chocolate and the natural sweetness of orange brings you a sense of euphoria.
Unlike the sweetness of ordinary orangette with candied orange peel which is often too strong, the slight sweetness and bitterness of this chocolate are impressive.
green bean to bar CHOCOLATE has a café. They serve sake, wine, champagne, etc. to match chocolates and cakes.
That’s right, this chocolate goes well with alcohol too!
When I tried ORANGETTE, for sure it made me want to drink a sip of alcohol.
It is indeed “the chocolate for adults”.
With a drink, the chocolate would make a good present for Valentine’s day to your boyfriend, even if he doesn’t have a sweet tooth. Give it a try!
Available at the store and online.
green bean to bar CHOCOLATE   ORANGETTE 1 bag 35 g   540 yen (tax included)

マジ ドゥ ショコラ- MAGIE DU SHOCOLA「フィナンシェ ショコラ」 

*English follows Japanese.
今回は自由が丘で話題のチョコ専門店、「MAGIE DU CHOCOLA (マジ ドゥ ショコラ)」のフィナンシェ ショコラをご紹介したいと思います。

「MAGIE DU CHOCOLA(マジ ドゥ ショコラ)」はチョコの原料のカカオ豆が繊細で非常に手間がかかるものであるにもかかわらず、生産者が安価な給与で小さな子供達などが学校に行けずに働いている状況に、「生産者が少しでも豊かになり、笑顔になってもらいたい」という思いから、ダイレクトトレードを目指し、生産者が幸せで笑顔で作り上げたカカオからは世界中の人を幸せにできる美味しいチョコレートができるはず!というコンセプトで開かれたお店です。


そんな「MAGIE DU CHOCOLA(マジ ドゥ ショコラ)」のフィナンシェ ショコラはココア生地のフィナンシェを57%のチョコでコーティングしてあり上にはカカオニブが散らして乗ってあります。




「MAGIE DU CHOCOLA(マジ ドゥ ショコラ)」  フィナンシェ チョコラ  5個入り    2,160円(税込)


【MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT: Financier Chocolat】
I would like to introduce you the financier chocolat of “MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT”, the chocolate specialty shop in Jiyugaoka.
Cacao beans, an ingredient of chocolate, is delicate and takes a lot of effort to produce. Even though, the producers get only a low wage which is too low to afford their children going to school and the children have to work. “MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT” aims a direct trading for the producers to live better and smile. They have a belief, “if the producers feel happiness with smiles to make the cacao, it will create a fine chocolate to make people around the world happy.” This is their concept when the shop is opened.
“MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT” sells a financier chocolat, which is a financier of cocoa dough coated with 57% chocolate and cacao nibs are scattered on it.
Since 2016 the shop opened, it has been a very popular chocolate specialty shop. For instance, many people are lined up near Valentine’s Day.
The crispy coating chocolate and the crunchy, bittersweet cacao nibs accentuate refined sweetness of the coated chocolate.
The smooth texture of 57% chocolate makes easier to eat and tastes good for all children and adults. It is recommended as a present for Valentine’s Day of course, plus its classy package is suitable as a gift for your important one and the business partners.
Visit the Jiyugaoka store or online to purchase.
I would strongly recommend you to try by all means in order to share the feelings for the producers of this shop.
MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT”  Financier Chocolat   5 pieces   2,160 yen (tax included)

グリーンビーントゥバーチョコレート– green been to bar CHOCOLATE 「アプリコリッシュ」 

*English follows Japanese.
いわゆる、チョコ界のサードウェーブと言われるこの「ビーントゥーバー」はチョコの原料のカカオ豆の仕入れから始まり、チョコの形になるまでの全ての工程を一貫しておこなう事をいい、最近のチョコレート 業界のトレンドとなりつつあります。

またカカオ豆を厳選し、添加物を一切使わず手作りにこだわり、身体に良くてしかも美味しいチョコ作りをする事はフェアトレードを促す、生産者に光を当てたエコシステムを作る流れでもあり、そんな「ビーントゥーバー」の考えに共感したオーナーが開いたチョコショップ「green bean to bar CHOCOLATE (グリーンビーントゥバーチョコレート)」の「アプリコ・リッシュ」という商品を今回はご紹介したいと思います。





green been to bar CHOCOLATE :https://greenchocolate.jp/

「green bean to bar CHOCOLATE    アプリコリッシュ」   2個 972円(税込)


【green bean to bar CHOCOLATE: Apricot Riche】
Do you know the word “bean to bar”?
Bean-to-bar, so-called the third wave of chocolates, is a chocolate making process, where the maker controls every step of the from cacao bean to chocolate bar. It is becoming an industry trend.
Furthermore, it also produces a healthier product, as it is a more natural process. Crafters do not use chemicals or additives. It also affords producers greater control over the supply chain to ensure fair and humane business practices. This time, I would like to introduce a product called “Apricot Riche” from a chocolate shop “green bean to bar CHOCOLATE” opened by owners who sympathize with the idea of “bean to bar”.
Semi-dried apricot is coated with enriched chocolate. Homemade apricot jam is filled in the soft apricot.
The firm cacao bean aroma and bitterness of chocolates made in Tanzania and Madagascar are combined with the apricot’s slight sweetness and sour taste, which gave me the impression, “this chocolate is genuinely for adults.”
One of our staff who tasted together said, “it is too quality for children who eat fast or guys who don’t know the taste!”
Even such an opinion makes sense once you savor its taste.
I recommend it as a Valentine’s chocolate for both men who understand the authentic tastes and who don’t often eat sweets.
It can be purchased only at the store as it is not currently available online.
green bean to bar CHOCOLATE: https://greenchocolate.jp/
Apricot Riche: https://greenchocolate.jp/archives/艶やかなアプリコット、ひんやりと/
“green bean to bar CHOCOLATE Apricot Riche” 2 pieces ¥ 972 (tax included)


*English follows Japanese.









童話クッキー 「お花畑のおやゆび姫」    2,700円(税込)


【Andersen: Fairy Tale Cookies】
Andersen was established in 1967, in Hiroshima.
The main store, Andersen Hiroshima, offers a wide range of products including, delicatessen, wine, and cheese that go well with bread. They delight your life with bread.
Today, Andersen bakeries are located all over the country, and their online shop sells sweets and delicatessen as well as bread, it makes you easier to purhcase them.
What is popular of Andersen is the “Fairy Tale Cookies”.
In this article, we present “Thumbelina of the flower garden”. Andersen sells cookies of various stories of fairy tales in each season, such as “the ugly duckling”, “the little mermaid”, and “the little match girl.”
It looks really cute as you find on a picture and makes everyone smile when a cookie can is opened. It’s a gift that is genuinely appreciated by anyone from kids to the elderly.
Under the lovely cookies, there are other cookies with eight different kinds of flavors such as Earl Gray, Coconut Macaroon and Cinnamon. So you can enjoy various tastes.
All taste really good.
It would be appreciated as a gift for a baby celebration or for a family with kids.
The products are available at Andersen Hiroshima and online.
Fairy tale cookie “Thumbelina of the flower garden”   2,700 yen (tax included)