
香港・台湾 京都念慈庵(NIN JIOM)「ソフトキャンディ」

*English follows Japanese.
今回は、香港や台湾のお土産としておすすめしたい、京都念慈庵(NIN JIOM)「ソフトキャンディ」をご紹介したいと思います。
京都念慈庵 (NIN JIOM)   ソフトキャンディ    324円(税込)


【Hong Kong / Taiwan 京都念慈菴 NIN JIOM: “Soft Candy”】
京都念慈菴 NIN JIOM “Soft Candy” is one that I would recommend as a souvenir from Hong Kong and Taiwan.
The word ”京都” in 京都念慈菴 expresses Beijing. NIN JIOM is a Chinese herbal medicine manufacturer that is popular for throat medicine in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
This candy contains the loquat leaf extract, which is often used in folk remedies in Japan
It is good for the throat and so famous that Hong Kong singers love it.
It is a caramel for adults with softness and full of tastes of herbs.
The herbs don’t taste bitter.
This candy helps you with sore throat for a cold or hay fever.
If you are planning to go to Hong Kong or Taiwan during Golden Week, this product is highly recommended for you in need to prepare a lot of souvenirs to your friends.
You can also purchase it in Japan, such as stores selling import foods and Amazon.
京都念慈菴 NIN JIOM Soft candy  324 yen (tax included)

那須 CHEESE GARDEN (チーズガーデン) セレクト 「いちごジャム」 

*English follows Japanese.
前回にもご紹介した、「御用邸チーズケーキ」で有名な那須のチーズガーデンですが、今回はチーズガーデンがおすすめのものをセレクトした“チーズガーデン セレクト”から「イチゴジャム」をご紹介します。
CHEESE GARDEN (チーズガーデン)  https://cheesegarden.jp
「いちごジャム」  700円(税込)


【CHEESE GARDEN Select: “Strawberry Jam”】
Cheese Garden in Nasu, famous for the “Goyoutei Cheesecake” presented in the previous article, sells “Cheese Garden Select”. We would like to feature “Strawberry Jam” in their selection.
This strawberry jam has a lot of impact due to its whole strawberry. It contains sugar but it is less sweet and modest.
The crushing strawberries is very tasty and you feel strawberry it self in your mouth. This is amazing!
I recommend you to enjoy it with wine, cream cheese for the quality time at night.
It is so light that you could enjoy it in tea.
The package is simple and fashionable, also the strawberries are eye-catching. A good product for souvenir form Nasu.
Since it is sold only at the main store in Nasu, stop by the cheese garden on a Nasu trip.
CHEESE GARDEN https://cheesegarden.jp
“Strawberry Jam” 700 yen (tax included)

那須 CHEESE GARDEN(チーズガーデン) チーズラングドシャ 

*English follows Japanese.

以前にもご紹介した、CHEESE GARDEN (チーズガーデン)ですが、今回はこちら「チーズラングドシャ」をご紹介したいと思います。

CHEESE GARDEN (チーズガーデン)   https://cheesegarden.jp
「チーズラングドシャ」  10枚入り     1,250円(税込)


【CHEESE GARDEN: Cheese Langue de chat】
CHEESE GARDEN is the shop we presented previously, and this is about another products of them, “Cheese Langue de chat”.
Popular product of Cheese Garden, “Goyoutei Cheesecake” was created by blended cheese from all over the world. They experimented with their recipe over and over again, particularly in handmade and finally it became a product.
You can see their commitment to making sweets in others besides cheesecake. And any of those are so tasty.
Cheese Langue de chat” is three-layered by sandwiching white chocolate and cheese cream with cookies. The crispy thin cookies and the crunchy white chocolate feel habitual!
Once it is in your mouth, the scent of rich cheese comes through your nose, then the cheese cream, white chocolate, and cookies become a trinity, which creates a very deep and delicious taste.
You cannot help it because it tastes dangerously too good.
It is one of the sweets highly recommended.
It is the best that you visit the store when you travel to Nasu. But the products are available at other shops nationwide and online.
CHEESE GARDEN https://cheesegarden.jp
“Cheese Langue de chat” 10 pieces 1,250 yen (tax included)

軽井沢 ツルヤ オリジナル ジャム 「オールフルーツ ブルーベリージャム」「オールフルーツ いちごジャム」 

*English follows Japanese.
ツルヤ   https://www.tsuruya-corp.co.jp/original/
「オールフルーツ ブルーベリージャム」  289円(税抜)
「オールフルーツ イチゴジャム 」289円(税抜)


【Tsuruya Original Jam: “All Fruit Blueberry Jam” “All Fruit Strawberry Jam”】
Continued from the last and the second last article this is the last one in the series of Tsuruya products for now, yet Tsuruya sells lots of goods that we couldn’t show enough.
The last one is about “All Fruit Jam” that is popular in Tsuruya.
What is remarkable about this jam is that it uses no sugar but only main fruits, pectin (gelling agent), grapes and lemon juice.
Blueberry Jam” has a large fruit, is soft and low in acidity. The taste is favored by kids.
It is safe for your kids to eat a lot.
Strawberry Jam” has a natural sweetness, and you never get tired of its taste.
They are both so tasty and the components are safe.
The affordable price is also appreciated.
For yourself, or someone as souvenir, both are recommended!
Tsuruya https://www.tsuruya-corp.co.jp/original/
“All Fruit Blueberry Jam” 289 yen (tax excluded)
“All Fruit Strawberry Jam” 289 yen (tax excluded)

軽井沢 ツルヤ オリジナル 「くるみのたれ」

*English follows Japanese.







ツルヤ  https://www.tsuruya-corp.co.jp/original/
くるみのたれ  399円(税抜)


【Tsuruya original: Kurumi no Tare (walnut sauce)】
Tsuruya original with the dried fruits previously I presented, sells the different product, “Kurumi no Tare (walnut sauce).
Tsuruya is developing thier products based on the concept of “safe, secure and delicious”. This “Kurumi no Tare” uses walnuts made in the US, domesticaly-produced soy sauce, sugar and brown sugar which are all organic.
Green beans seasoned with this sauce gives you a deep taste of the walnuts, which is highly regarded.
The sauce is thin and light, so it matches any vegetables.
Seasoning this sauce makes any dish even better. For example, steamed chicken (it is like Bang Bang chicken!), tofu, noodles such as soba and somen.
If you want to add one more dish on the table, this sauce will help you! Highly recommended as souvenir to give someone.
If you go to Tsuruya during a trip to Nagano, why don’t you take this “Kurumi no Tare”?
Tsuruya https://www.tsuruya-corp.co.jp/original/
Kurumi no Tare (Walnut sauce) 399 yen (excluding tax)

軽井沢 ツルヤ オリジナル「ひとくち杏」「干し芋スティック」 

*English follows Japanese.
ツルヤ    https://www.tsuruya-corp.co.jp/original/
「ひとくち杏」   269円(税抜)
「干し芋スティック」  269円(税抜)


【 Tsuruya Original: “Hitokuchi An” and “Hoshiimo Stick”】
Tsuruya is a name of supermarkets developed mainly in Nagano Prefecture. They sell a lot of their original, high-quality, safe and secure products.
Hitokuchi An(Bite-sized apricot) and “Hoshiimo Stick (Dried sweet potato sticks) are their products of the dried fruit series, popular among women. They are in demand as souvenir from Nagano.
Among the various kinds of dried fruits, the “Hitokuchi An” is very soft because of semi-cooked method. It is suitable for kids and elderly.
The first bite gives you its sweetness, then the sourness comes. You can feel the original taste of the ingredients.
The way to enjoy I recommend is putting a dried apricot on yogurt for breakfast. This will make your usual breakfast time more rich and quality.
Either “Hitokuchi An” or “Hoshiimo sticks” use no synthetic preservatives, coloring agents, or fragrances.
If you visit Nagano or Karuizawa during this long long Golden Week, Tsuruya would be a great place to find a treasure.
Tsuruya https://www.tsuruya-corp.co.jp/original/
Hitokuchi An(Bite-sized apricot)” 269 yen (excluding tax)
Hoshiimo Stick (Dried sweet potato sticks)” 269 yen (excluding tax)

那須 CHEESE GARDEN(チーズガーデン) セレクション 「ビーフジャーキー」「ペンシルサラミ」「スモークキャンディ―チーズ」 

*English follows Japanese.
さて、今回は「御用邸チーズケーキ」でおなじみ那須のCHEESE GARDEN (チーズガーデン)がセレクトしたおつまみをご紹介します。
3種類すべて取り扱っているのは、「チーズガーデン 那須本店」と「チーズガーデン 那須ガーデンアウトレット店」の2店舗のみですので、ゴールデンウイークで那須へ足を運んだ際には、ホテルでのおつまみとして購入されてはいかがでしょうか?
CHEESE GARDEN(チーズガーデン) https://cheesegarden.jp/
「ビーフジャーキー」 700円(税込)
「ペンシルサラミ」  700円(税込)
「スモークキャンディーチーズ」  880円(税込)


【CHEESE GARDEN: “Beef Jerky”, “Pencil Salami”, “Smoked Candy Cheese”】
CHEESE GARDEN, familiar with the “Goyotei Cheesecake”, are selling the selection of snacks.
CHEESE GARDEN” have commercialized only items what they think is delicious and what they want to recommend as “Cheese Garden’s selection”.
Here are three types of the snacks including Beef Jerky, Pencil Salami, and Smoked Candy Cheese. Among them the most impressive one is “smoked candy cheese”, which is produced by the Yamakyu cheese factory in Tochigi.
Unlike smoked cheese, which you are used to eat, its good scent of smoke and a strong taste of cheese are remarkable. You will definitely be addicted to the combination of beer and cheese…
It’s perfect as a snack for children too. One bag will not be enough for the kids.
“Pencil Salami” is also juicy and delicious when you eat it with beer!
There are only two stores, “Cheese Garden Nasu Honten” and “Cheese Garden Nasu Garden Outlet”, selling all three types. Enjoying the snacks at the hotel would be nice when you visit Nasu during Golden Week.
Also, it will be a great souvenir from Nasu.
CHEESE GARDEN   https://cheesegarden.jp/
“Beef Jerky” 700 yen (tax included)
“Pencil Salami” 700 yen (tax included)
“Smoked Candy Cheese” 880 yen (tax included)

軽井沢高原ビール 「春限定」「オーガニック」「ベルジャンホワイト」「ワイルドフォレスト」「ナショナルトラスト」 

*English follows Japanese.
ピンクの缶の3〜5月末までの「春限定 ビール」 340円(税込)
緑の缶の「オーガニック」 278円(税込)
白い缶の「ベルジャンホワイト」 278円(税込)
金の缶の「ワイルドフォレスト」  257円(税込)
ブラウンの缶の「ナショナルトラスト」  257円(税込)
軽井沢高原ビール https://karuizawa-kogen-beer.com/lineup.html


【Karuizawa Kogen Beer: “Spring Limited”, “Organic”, “Belgian White”, “Wild Forest”, “National Trust” 】
Beer lovers, the warm season has finally come!
Karuizawa Kogen Beer” is produced by “Yaho Brewing”, which is familiar with “Yona Yona Ale”.
It is sold only in Karuizawa area for people spending their quality time in Karuizawa.
Ale beer is type of beer brewed using a warm fermentation method, resulting in a sweet, full-bodied and fruity taste that is not so familiar in Japan, unlike a lager beer that can be drunk smoothly.
Karuizawa Kogen Beer contributes to Karuizawa by using Karuizawa wheat “Yumekaori” as part of its compositions and donates part of its profits to an organization that protects the nature and landscape of Karuizawa.
Here are their products.
Spring limited beer” in the pink can sold through March to the end of May 340 yen (tax included)
It has 6.5% alcohol which is slightly higher than other beers, but the beer is light, and its brilliantly sweet scent remains in your nose. Drinking outside such as cherry blossom viewing or a picnic would be great.
“Organic” in the green can 278 yen (tax included)
100% of organically grown malt and hops are used.
The beer has a moderate bitterness, a refreshing aftertaste, and gives you a refreshing feeling. It is good in the rainy season and summer.
“Belgian White” in the white can 278 yen (tax included)
A Belgian-style white beer made from wheat and malt, with fresh scent of “orange peel” and “coriander seed” herbs added as spices.
Since it is less bitter and fruity, it is light enough to drink for those who are not that strong with beer.
“Wild Forest” in the gold can 257 yen (tax included)
It is the most popular craft beer in Karuizawa town due to its great balance between richness and ease of drinking matching with the refreshing climate of the plateau. This is the best beer for beer lovers.
“National Trust” in the brown can 257 yen (tax included)
The black malt creates sweetness and richness, and the mellow bitter roast of this black beer.
Take your time to enjoy a unique aroma and fruity tastes of each of them different from the usual beer. It would also be a great souvenir for Karuizawa.
In the coming season, would you like to drink on the balcony or terrace while being touched by a pleasant breeze in the green of Karuizawa?
If you want to try these beers, you must go to Karuizawa!
Karuizawa Kogen Beer https://karuizawa-kogen-beer.com/lineup.html

秋田 なまはげの絵がおしゃれ⁉︎ 美味しいコーヒー ―「アメヤ珈琲 ドリップバック ジオパークなまはげシリーズ」

*English follows Japanese.
アメヤ珈琲      TEL:   0185-47-7451
「ドリップバック   ジオパークなまはげシリーズ 」  5パック入り  1,000円(税込)


【Ameya Coffee: Drip Bag Geopark Namahage Series】
Ameya Coffee” is located in the Oga Tourist Information Center of Funakoshi, the entrance to the Oga Peninsula which is famous for Namahage in Akita.
Ameya Coffee” serves self-roasted coffee. They focus on blending to create only one flavor in the world.
A drip bag coffee is popular at “Ameya coffee” and features an illustration of Oga Namahage with a light touch.
Each of the five packs has different origins of beans which include Papua New Guinea, Colombia, Tanzania, Nicaragua, and Mandelin. Traditional coffee beans, Arabica beans are used and the cultivating and refining methods are traceable. Since the only “specialty coffee” is used, the product is outstanding for coffee lovers.
A coffee from Papua New Guinea is refreshing and smooth, which proves they uses fine beans.
The package is fashionable and cute, so it will be satisfied by not only coffee lovers but also women.
Also, on the back of the package it is written about Oga and Namahage. This will make a perfect gift of an Akita trip.
Available at the Amaya Coffee in the Oga Tourist Information Center, and online.
You can purchase only 10-pack product on the website, but the 5-pack items can be ordered by email or phone.
Ameya Coffee TEL: 0185-47-7451
“Drip Bag Geopark Namahage Series” 5 packs 1,000 yen (tax included)

秋田のご当地デザインが可愛い!ー秋田 草薙(くさなぎ)デザイン事務所 ふきん

*English follows Japanese.
草薙デザイン事務所  ふきん  「ゆきあそび 」   一枚   570円(税別)


【Akita Kusanagi Design Office: Fukin (dish cloth)】
Kusanagi Design Office is a company of planning and production, they design handtowels, dish clothes and postcards associated with Akita Prefecture.
There are many themes of designs, such as the “Namahage” that might be a little bit scary for children, the “Akita Kantou Festival” as a motif of a festival in Akita, and others. The towel “Yuki Asobi” has a cute illustration like a picture book illustration.
It uses silkscreen printing that the color hardly comes off and that allows detailed expression.
The fabric is made of 100% cotton, so it has excellent water absorption, is easy to dry and is comfortable to use.
Since it is thin and easy to carry, also gentle on the skin, it would be nice for your children to have it instead of usual handkerchieves or towels.
The item will be a good, small present from the trip to Akita.
It is sold at Akita Airport and the Akita product promotion center, and Akita Bussan Promotion Association handles several items from the Kusanagi Design Office.
If you are interested, please take a look!
Kusanagi Design Office Fukin(dish cloth) Yuki Asobi 570 yen par piece (tax excluded)