
那須 CHEESE GARDEN(チーズガーデン) セレクション 「ビーフジャーキー」「ペンシルサラミ」「スモークキャンディ―チーズ」 

*English follows Japanese.
さて、今回は「御用邸チーズケーキ」でおなじみ那須のCHEESE GARDEN (チーズガーデン)がセレクトしたおつまみをご紹介します。
3種類すべて取り扱っているのは、「チーズガーデン 那須本店」と「チーズガーデン 那須ガーデンアウトレット店」の2店舗のみですので、ゴールデンウイークで那須へ足を運んだ際には、ホテルでのおつまみとして購入されてはいかがでしょうか?
CHEESE GARDEN(チーズガーデン) https://cheesegarden.jp/
「ビーフジャーキー」 700円(税込)
「ペンシルサラミ」  700円(税込)
「スモークキャンディーチーズ」  880円(税込)


【CHEESE GARDEN: “Beef Jerky”, “Pencil Salami”, “Smoked Candy Cheese”】
CHEESE GARDEN, familiar with the “Goyotei Cheesecake”, are selling the selection of snacks.
CHEESE GARDEN” have commercialized only items what they think is delicious and what they want to recommend as “Cheese Garden’s selection”.
Here are three types of the snacks including Beef Jerky, Pencil Salami, and Smoked Candy Cheese. Among them the most impressive one is “smoked candy cheese”, which is produced by the Yamakyu cheese factory in Tochigi.
Unlike smoked cheese, which you are used to eat, its good scent of smoke and a strong taste of cheese are remarkable. You will definitely be addicted to the combination of beer and cheese…
It’s perfect as a snack for children too. One bag will not be enough for the kids.
“Pencil Salami” is also juicy and delicious when you eat it with beer!
There are only two stores, “Cheese Garden Nasu Honten” and “Cheese Garden Nasu Garden Outlet”, selling all three types. Enjoying the snacks at the hotel would be nice when you visit Nasu during Golden Week.
Also, it will be a great souvenir from Nasu.
CHEESE GARDEN   https://cheesegarden.jp/
“Beef Jerky” 700 yen (tax included)
“Pencil Salami” 700 yen (tax included)
“Smoked Candy Cheese” 880 yen (tax included)