秋田 なまはげの絵がおしゃれ⁉︎ 美味しいコーヒー ―「アメヤ珈琲 ドリップバック ジオパークなまはげシリーズ」

*English follows Japanese.
アメヤ珈琲 TEL: 0185-47-7451
「ドリップバック ジオパークなまはげシリーズ 」 5パック入り 1,000円(税込)
【Ameya Coffee: Drip Bag Geopark Namahage Series】
“Ameya Coffee” is located in the Oga Tourist Information Center of Funakoshi, the entrance to the Oga Peninsula which is famous for Namahage in Akita.
“Ameya Coffee” serves self-roasted coffee. They focus on blending to create only one flavor in the world.
A drip bag coffee is popular at “Ameya coffee” and features an illustration of Oga Namahage with a light touch.
Each of the five packs has different origins of beans which include Papua New Guinea, Colombia, Tanzania, Nicaragua, and Mandelin. Traditional coffee beans, Arabica beans are used and the cultivating and refining methods are traceable. Since the only “specialty coffee” is used, the product is outstanding for coffee lovers.
A coffee from Papua New Guinea is refreshing and smooth, which proves they uses fine beans.
The package is fashionable and cute, so it will be satisfied by not only coffee lovers but also women.
Also, on the back of the package it is written about Oga and Namahage. This will make a perfect gift of an Akita trip.
Available at the Amaya Coffee in the Oga Tourist Information Center, and online.
You can purchase only 10-pack product on the website, but the 5-pack items can be ordered by email or phone.
Ameya Coffee TEL: 0185-47-7451
“Drip Bag Geopark Namahage Series” 5 packs 1,000 yen (tax included)