
*English follows Japanese.
河田勝彦シェフはフランスのお菓子を理解するために歴史や文化を徹底的に学んだとおっしゃっておられます。そんなシェフの独自の哲学に基づいて作る「オーボンヴュータン」の「プチフール ドゥミ セック」というお菓子を今回はご紹介します。
オーボンヴュータン https://aubonvieuxtemps.jp
「プチフール ドゥミ セック」 12個入り 1,566円(税込)
【AU BON VIEUX TEMPS: Petits Fours Demi-Sec】
Katsuhiko Kawada, who trained in France for nine years from 1966 to 1975, and opened “AU BON VIEUX TEMPS” in 1981 after returning to Japan, is a so-called leading figure of French confectionery.
Chef Katsuhiko Kawada tells that he thoroughly studied history and culture in order to understand French sweets.
“Petits Fours Demi-Sec” is the sweet produced by “AU BON VIEUX TEMPS”, based on his unique philosophy.
When the box is unwrapped, you will be impressed by the cute bite-sized, half-baked sweets lined up beautifully.
The products are rich in almond powder, tastes rum, or crispy meringue. A variety of tastes and textures can be enjoyed in one box.
Take your time to taste one by one because it is traditional French sweets that you cannot easily try them in other stores.
The packaging is also classy and making it feel special, it will be very pleasing even as a gift for White Day, as well as a formal place.
Products including baked goods are available online, but the “Petits Fours Demi-Sec” is only available at the physical store.
This would be a great gift for someone important or in important situations.
AU BON VIEUX TEMPS “Petits Fours Demi-Sec” 12 pieces 1,566 yen (tax included)