
鎌倉 ca ca o アロマ生チョコレート「CACAO 65」

*English follows Japanese.

日本人の舌に合う、日常で楽しめる本当に美味しいチョコレートを作りたい、という思いから始まった鎌倉発チョコレート専門店「ca ca o」

美味しさとサスティナビリティへのこだわりからコロンビアに自社農園を持つまでになった「ca ca o」の本格生チョコレートを今回はご紹介したいと思います。

生チョコレート「CACAO 65」はコロンビア産のフレッシュなカカオ豆から作ったカカオ分61%と70%のビターチョコレートと、生クリームを合わせて作られたチョコレートです。





ca ca o https://shop.ca-ca-o.com/products/detail/72

「CACAO 65」 16粒入り  2,160円(税込)


Kamakura: ca ca o – Aroma Nama-chocolate “CACAO 65”

ca ca o started their business in Kamakura with their concept to create chocolates that have the taste Japanese people like and are enjoyable in daily life.

In constant pursuit to quality of taste and sustainability, “ca ca o” has grown and now has their own farm in Colombia.

CACAO 65 is an authentic Nama-chocolate, which is Japanese ganache-like chocolate, made by mixing fresh cream, and bitter chocolates containing 61% and 70% cacao made from fresh Colombian cacao beans.

It melts in your mouth in a moment, and you can enjoy the fine bitterness of cacao.

With the modest sweetness and the fruity aroma of fresh cacao beans, the chocolate is an acquired taste.

It actually tastes good and can be enjoyed by all generations.

It’s a high-quality chocolate, so you may want to savor one by one. This will be a perfect gift for Valentine’s Day and White Day, and special occasions.

ca ca o https://shop.ca-ca-o.com/products/detail/72

“CACAO 65” 16 pieces 2,160 yen (tax incl.)

Posted: April 1, 2020