
東京 八木長本店「かつおせんべい」

*English follow Japanese.

1737年に創業、東京日本橋で都内の有名料亭や割烹店に出汁の材料である最上の羅臼昆布や鰹節などを提供しているというこちら 八木長本店の名物、「かつおせんべい」をご紹介します。







八木長本店 https://yagicho-honten.tokyo/?ls=ja

「かつおせんべい」 150g 875円(税込)

「かつおせんべいミニ」 1枚×2袋 179円(税込)      


Yagicho Honten, Tokyo “Katsuo Dried Bonito Crackers”

“Katsuo Dried Bonito Crackers”, a specialty of Yagicho Honten, which was founded in 1737 in Nihonbashi, Tokyo and provides the best ingredients for soup stock such as Rausu kelp and bonito flakes to famous restaurants in Tokyo.

Katsuo Dried Bonito Crackers is a rice cracker made from squid, octopus, and bonito flakes, with the desire to spread the tasty flavor of dried bonito flakes to everyone.

Crispy texture and the good dashi of dried bonito flakes and the umami of octopus and squid spread in your mouth.

It will be the best partner with beer and other alcohol.

It has hard and chewy texture, the umami comes out very well by every bite.

It is recommended for those who like alcohol.

Individual packs will be useful if you want to give many people.

Yagicho Honten https://yagicho-honten.tokyo/?ls=ja

Katsuo Dried Bonito Crackers 150g 875 yen (tax incl.)

Katsuo Dried Bonito Crackers mini 1 piece x 2 bags 179 yen (tax incl.)

Jan 8, 2020