
金紋秋田酒造の梅酒 ミニボトルタイプ 

*English follows Japanese.



「悠久の梅 雫 銀撰」は日本酒で作ったと思えないすっきりとした味わいで、でも口当たりの優しさは日本酒のそれで、アルコールのツンツンした感じがなく、甘すぎず飲みやすい梅酒でした。

悠久の梅 雫 金撰」は12年熟成した古酒「山吹」に高級南高梅をつけこんだ梅酒で、非常にさっぱりと飲みやすい、女性でも気軽に楽しめる梅酒です。




「にごり梅酒 ミニボトル」100ml  420円(税別)
「悠久の梅 雫 銀撰 ミニボトル」100ml    315円(税別)
「悠久の梅雫 金撰 ミニボトル」 100ml   400円(税別)


【Kinmon Akita Sake Brewery: Plum Sake Mini Bottle】
Yamabuki” is an old sake from Kinmon Akita Sake Brewery, made by aging sake for a long time.
This article features plum wine made by immersing plums in the Yamabuki that creates a complex and mysterious taste.
The scent of Koji is eliminated from the sake after aged, then it emphasizes the scent of the plum.
Nigori Umeshu” has a plumy scent at the moment it is opened. With a balanced taste of clean sweetness and acidity, it is smooth even if you are not good at sake.
Eternal plum sake Shizuku Silver selection” tastes not too sweet but smooth which is refreshing and gentle unlike alcohol.
Eternal plum sake Shizuku Gold selection” is a plum wine made from 12 years old sake “Yamabuki” with high quality Nanko plums immersed in it. It is very refreshing and light enough for women to enjoy.
This mini bottle is perfect for a souvenir.
Since 100ml bottle is good for one person, a set of three types would be appreciated for a gift.
As Akita souvenirs, plum wines from Japanese sake is unique, so it is worth trying. You can find the products on the Kinmon Akita Sake Brewery website.
It is said that they accept orders over the phone even if they are not on the website.
The products in the picture from the left:
Kinmon Akita Sake Brewery
“Nigori Umeshu Mini Bottle” 100ml 420 yen (tax excluded)
“Eternal Plum Sake Shizuku Silver selection mini bottle’‘ 100ml 315 yen (tax excluded)
Eternal Plum Sake Shizuku Gold Selection Mini Bottle ” 100ml 400 yen (tax excluded)