
2018.12.04 クリスマス / 帰省

CAFE OHZAN(カフェ・オウザン)キューブラスクJoueux Noel(ジョワイユノエル) 

*English follows Japanese.
今回ご紹介するのは1989年の創業以来、こだわりの材料と技法でクロワッサンのラスクなどオリジナルの商品を世に出してきたCAFE OHZAN(カフェ・オウザン)がクリスマス向けに販売しているキューブラスクのJoueux Noel(ジョワイユノエル)をご紹介します。
CAFE OHZAN(カフェ・オウザン) www.ohzan.jp/
キューブラスクJoueux Noel(ジョワイユノエル) 1,620円(税込み)


【CAFE OHZAN: Cube rusk Joueux Noel】
It is already December. Everyone gets busy towards the end of the year.
And before the end of the year there is a big event for children’s families. Yes, it’s Christmas.
Joueux Noel, the cube rusks are sold for Christmas by CAFE OHZAN. They have been inspiring the world with their original products, such as croissant rusks, made with exclusive materials and techniques since its foundation in 1989.
The rusks are cute and delightful even for me, who is too tired of nagging my child every day.
The texture is not too hard as baguette type of rusks, but light and crunchy. Anyone from elderly to children can enjoy it.
It is recommended as a present among people at all ages.
It may be good to buy for your home as Christmas decoration and enjoy them with your children one by one.
There was also a cute surprise in the box when I took rusks out. You will find it once you get it.
CAFE OHZAN www.ohzan.jp/
Cube rusks Joueux Noel (Jokey Yunoel) 1,620 yen (tax included)