ハニージャパン「ハニードロップレット マヌカハニー」

*English follows Japanese.
ハニージャパン https://honeyjapan.shop/products/detail/18
「ハニードロップレットマヌカハニー UMF®10+」 1,080円(税込)
「ハニードロップレットマヌカハニー UMF®15+」 1,620円(税込)

Honey Japan “Honey Droplet Manuka Honey”
Manuka honey, a Maori treasure that is indigenous to New Zealand.
The manuka virgin forest, which is inaccessible to the general public, is a miraculous forest where manuka trees grow as far as the eye can see. The Manuka honey has a sterilizing, antibacterial and inflammatory effect, so it is useful to many people.
Honey Japan‘s Manuka honey has kept extremely high quality with strict manufacturing processes such as beekeeping, traceability, raw material management, and thorough temperature and humidity control during international transportation.
What’s more, the “Honey Droplet” is the industry’s first drop-type Manuka honey that has succeeded in solidifying 100% honey.
Up until now, Manuka honey has been usually taken from a jar with a spoon, but now this product is portable, the jar will never get sticky, and it’s really practical!
Moreover, it hardly melts even in summer.
Those who don’t usually like Manuka honey because of its unique taste can like this drop-type Manuka honey as it is sweet like a candy and tasty.
Even though this also has that subtle unique taste of Manuka honey, it is smooth but unpleasant at all. You can savor the delightful taste of honey from the drop.
This product might help ease when you have a throat pain or have a canker sore.
It will be also a good gift at this time of year.
Honey Japan https://honeyjapan.shop/products/detail/18
Honey Droplet Manuka Honey UMF® 10+ 1,080 yen (tax incl.)
Honey Droplet Manuka Honey UMF® 15+ 1,620 yen (tax incl.)