菱塩(りょうえん)「海藻仕立て 五島灘の塩」

*English follows Japanese.
「海藻仕立て 五島灘の塩」は長崎県崎戸島の塩に、北海道の昆布を掛け合わせて藻塩風に仕上げたお塩です。
現在通販やネットショップなどで扱っているところは少ないので、ぜひ長崎さいかい道の駅 みかんドーム にて旅のついでに手にとってみて下さい!
菱塩 https://ryouen.co.jp/product/122
「海藻仕立て 五島灘の塩」 540円(税込)
【Nagasaki Ryouen: Goto Nada Salt with Seaweed】
Goto Nada salt with seaweed is a salt of Sado Island, Nagasaki, mixed with kelp from Hokkaido to make it algae salt-like.
It contains the umami of kelp and has a rich and mellow flavor.
It is smooth so that it is easy to use in cooking. The umami of kelp makes the taste rich. It would go very well with stir-fri.
It enables to cook instantly and will save the time for mom!
Recommended recipe; the namul-style salad: cucumber and lettuce topped with this salt, sesame oil and grilled seaweed
The salt has a mellow taste with no strong spiciness, which increases the taste of the vegetable and makes it tasty.
It has a kelp flavor, so it’s recommended for a Japanese-style dish, tempura, hot pot, and pasta hiding flavor.
Currently, there aren’t many online dtores available, so please take a look at Mikan Dome the Nagasaki Saikai Roadside Station while you travel around!
Ryouen https://ryouen.co.jp/product/122
“Goto Nada Salt with seaweed” 540 yen (tax incl.)