いち粒(いちりゅう) 「雪国生まれのおいしい人参ジュース」「雪国生まれのおいしい人参ミックスジュース」「完熟とまとジュース」

*English follows Japanese.
いち粒のホームページでオンラインで購入できる他、Natural Houseや高島屋の高島屋ファームなどその他取扱店もございますので、いつまでも元気でいて欲しい親やお知り合いに贈ったらとても喜ばれるお品物だと思います。
いち粒 http://www.ichiryu-nouentai.com
「雪国生まれのおいしい人参ジュース」 350ml 430円(税抜)
「雪国生まれのおいしい人参ミックスジュース」 350ml 420円(税抜)
「完熟とまとジュース」 350ml 420円(税抜)
【Ichiryu: “Carrot Juice” “Mixed Carrot & Apple Juice” and “Unsalted Tomato Juice”】
These juice will make a great gift for visiting your parents’ place to someone who you wish well-being.
A book about macrobiotics influenced the founder of Ichiryu to start their business from producing safe and secure brown rice.
Serching the disease for a next business led them to recogninse the power of carrots, and they began to grow carrots under snow in the highlands of Niigata.
The caroots on highland are not affected by agricultural chemicals and cultivated with organic fertilizer.
Their “Carrot Juice” is good for health, additive-free, color-free and ingredient-free. Also uses natural lemon and plum extract as an antioxidant.
A texture is thick like a puree. It tastes naturally sweet and has umami with 98% carrots. It is mild and light to dirnk.
“Mixed Carrot & Apple Juice” contains apples, lemon and plum extract which make lighter for kids to drink. The juice helps you on daily meals for health.
“Unsalted Tomato Juice” uses 100% Uonuma tomatoes grown with organic fertilizer and no salt is added. It feels like you are drinking good and high quality tomatoes as they are. It can be useful for cooking such as a seasonal gazpacho.
THe products are available on their website and at the other stores such as Natural House and Takashimaya Farm in Takashimaya. This will be a great gift to your parents and friends.
Ichiryu http://www.ichiryu-nouentai.com
Carrot Juice 350ml 430 yen (tax excluded)
Mixed Carrot & Apple Juice 350ml 420 yen (tax excluded)
Unsalted Tomato Juice 350ml 420 yen (tax excluded)