you-ichi ( ユーイチ) 「TOY JAM」「to:jam」

*English follows Japanese.
2011年、広島に”コミュニケーションフードブランド”として誕生した you-ici 。人と食との時間の間で生まれる感動をデザインしていきたいという思いで活動しているそう。
そんな思いを感じる、「TOY JAM」と「to:jam」を今回はご紹介したいと思います。
「TOY JAM」はおもちゃとして楽しむ、というコンセプトから生まれたそうで、台形型の瓶といい、上下に分かれた2色の色合いといい、いちいち可愛いという印象。
「TOY JAM」 ラズベリー/ピスタチオ 1,242円(税込)
「to:jam」 ラズベリー/ティーショコラ 702円(税込)
ピスタチオミルク 702円(税込)
ピンクグレープフルーツ/ローズ 702円(税込)
【you-ichi: “TOY JAM” & “to: jam”】
you-ici was born in 2011 as a “communication food brand” in Hiroshima.
The concept of the brand is to design the impressions created in the time of people with food.
“TOY JAM” and “to: jam”
TOY JAM was created from the concept of enjoying as a toy. Bicoloured jam is filled in a cute shape of jar.
The products are designed like a collection. You may wanna collect all the series to display and appreciate.
Pistachio / raspberry is my favortie because of excellent colors and taste.
“to: jam” was made with the concept of gift like sending a letter.
It is in a small bottle, and each flavor has different messages on the cap.
It is fun that you can pick favorite one from a variety of colors and messages.
It may be a good idea to leave a message with the jam to tell somthing you kept in your mind for the upcoming homecoming or mid-season season.
If you live far from your parents or someone who you care about, you may be able to express your feelings.
The store is in Hiroshima and there are some shops selling their stuff. Check it if you are interested.
It’s also available online.
Raspberry / Pistachio 1,242 yen (tax included)
“To: jam”
Raspberry / tea chocolate 702 yen (tax included)
Pistachio milk 702 yen (tax included)
Pink grapefruit / rose 702 yen (tax included)
☆ Gift box costs additional.