マジ ドゥ ショコラ- MAGIE DU SHOCOLA「フィナンシェ ショコラ」

*English follows Japanese.
今回は自由が丘で話題のチョコ専門店、「MAGIE DU CHOCOLA (マジ ドゥ ショコラ)」のフィナンシェ ショコラをご紹介したいと思います。
「MAGIE DU CHOCOLA(マジ ドゥ ショコラ)」はチョコの原料のカカオ豆が繊細で非常に手間がかかるものであるにもかかわらず、生産者が安価な給与で小さな子供達などが学校に行けずに働いている状況に、「生産者が少しでも豊かになり、笑顔になってもらいたい」という思いから、ダイレクトトレードを目指し、生産者が幸せで笑顔で作り上げたカカオからは世界中の人を幸せにできる美味しいチョコレートができるはず!というコンセプトで開かれたお店です。
そんな「MAGIE DU CHOCOLA(マジ ドゥ ショコラ)」のフィナンシェ ショコラはココア生地のフィナンシェを57%のチョコでコーティングしてあり上にはカカオニブが散らして乗ってあります。
「MAGIE DU CHOCOLA(マジ ドゥ ショコラ)」 フィナンシェ チョコラ 5個入り 2,160円(税込)
【MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT: Financier Chocolat】
I would like to introduce you the financier chocolat of “MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT”, the chocolate specialty shop in Jiyugaoka.
Cacao beans, an ingredient of chocolate, is delicate and takes a lot of effort to produce. Even though, the producers get only a low wage which is too low to afford their children going to school and the children have to work. “MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT” aims a direct trading for the producers to live better and smile. They have a belief, “if the producers feel happiness with smiles to make the cacao, it will create a fine chocolate to make people around the world happy.” This is their concept when the shop is opened.
“MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT” sells a financier chocolat, which is a financier of cocoa dough coated with 57% chocolate and cacao nibs are scattered on it.
Since 2016 the shop opened, it has been a very popular chocolate specialty shop. For instance, many people are lined up near Valentine’s Day.
The crispy coating chocolate and the crunchy, bittersweet cacao nibs accentuate refined sweetness of the coated chocolate.
The smooth texture of 57% chocolate makes easier to eat and tastes good for all children and adults. It is recommended as a present for Valentine’s Day of course, plus its classy package is suitable as a gift for your important one and the business partners.
Visit the Jiyugaoka store or online to purchase.
I would strongly recommend you to try by all means in order to share the feelings for the producers of this shop.
“MAGIE DU CHOCOLAT” Financier Chocolat 5 pieces 2,160 yen (tax included)