ニナス 紅茶「マリーアントワネット」

*English follows Japanese.
NINA’S(ニナス) はパリのヴァンドーム広場のすぐ隣に本店を構える紅茶ブランドです。
NINA’S マリーアントワネット/ティーバッグ 540円(税込)
【Fregrant tea – NINA’S Marie Antoinette】
NINA ’S Marie Antoinette is a tea brand which has a main store right next to Place Vendôme in Paris.
The founder was called “Magician of Aroma”, and his fragrance was liked by Louis XIV, the king of France, and Marie Antoinette. Inheriting his know-how of making the fragrance at the time, and today they provide a unique fragrance tea.
What I present you today, is the Marie Antoinette – Tea bag. A perfect petit gifts for Christmas season.
The tea is flavored to Ceylon tea by using various apples and rose petals grown in the Royal Farm located beside the Palace of Versailles. It is very aromatic, refined and elegant. The smell is pleasant but exaggerated.
Since it is affordable, it is favorable for any occasion including a thank-you gift, a small gift for the Christmas season, or for yourself to drink daily.
NINA ‘S Marie Antoinette – tea bag 540 yen (tax included)