WELEDA(ヴェレダ) 「ワイルドローズクリームバスミルク」
*English follows Japanese.
「ワイルドローズクリーム バスミルク」は肌をなめらかに整える、ホホバオイルやオリーブオイル配合で、貴重なローズヒップオイルが肌をしっとり潤し、ハリを与えてくれます。
WELEDA https://www.weleda.jp/products/detail/12043420
「ワイルドローズクリームバスミルク」 2,420円(税込)
WELEDA “Wild Rose Cream Bath”
Weleda was founded in 1921 by Austrian philosopher and natural scientist Rudolf Steiner, a Dutch doctor, and a German chemist.
Today, Weleda continues to grow as a global company in holistic organic cosmetics and anthroposophy medicines.
The bath milk we recommend is for cold weather and will produce a slow and luxurious bath time.
“Wild Rose Cream Bath” contains jojoba oil and olive oil that smoothes the skin, and the precious rosehip oil moisturizes and gives the skin firmness.
It makes your skin moisturized like using milk lotion, and the luxurious scent of roses relaxes you while taking a bath.
It is good for pregnant women too. Taking a bath with this bath milk helps them to relieve gloomy feelings that commonly occurs during pregnancy.
This item is recommended for pregnant and postpartum moms.
You can purchase it online as well as at stores.
WELEDA https://www.weleda.jp/products/detail/12043420
Wild Rose Cream Bath Milk 2,420 yen (tax incl.)
Dec 18, 2019