山形 こめやかた「杵つき 女もち」

*English follows Japanese.
そんなこだわって、愛情を込めて作られた餅米を、スタッフの方が臼と杵でよいしょよいしょと餅つきして丸めた「杵つき 女もち」をご紹介します。
販売店などはこめやかたFacebook をご確認ください。
こめやかた https://komeyakata.com/
「杵つき 女もち」 オープン価格

Yamagata Komeyakata “Onna Mochi”
Komeyakata is a rice shop, farmer, and guesthouse owner in Murayama City, Yamagata, which has been in business for over 100 years.
In the rice fields and crop fields of “Komeyakata”, the original organic fertilizer using “cherry yeast” is used, and the crops are grown with well prepared soil.
“Onna Mochi” is made by pounding mochi rice made with love, and then rolling it into a ball and flattening it.
It’s a special sale only at the end of the year, but it’s delicious enough to be sold all year round.
Perhaps because of the pounded mochi, the mochi is finely textured and stretchy like freshly made mochi also it is smooth and really tasty!
Eating it with Yamagata’s taste, natto, soy sauce, and green onions, which called”natto mochi” is the most recommended way.
This will make the best souvenir on New Year’s Day.
Check Komeyakata on Facebook for shops.
Komeyakata https://komeyakata.jimdofree.com
“Onna Mochi” open price
Dec 27, 2019