東京 パレスホテル東京「ガトー・バナーヌ」

*English follows Japanese.
ホテル内にある、ペストリーショップ SWEETS&DELI ではショコラ、焼き菓子、ケーキなどホテルメイドスイーツや他にもデリ、コンフィチュール、パンなど多彩に取り揃えてあり、贈答用のギフトにぴったりの品物も沢山あります。
パレスホテル東京 https://www.palacehoteltokyo.com/restaurants-bars/sweets_deli/
「ガトー・バナーヌ」 1,620円(税込)

Tokyo: Palace Hotel Tokyo “Gâteau Banane”
“Gâteau Banane” is a sweet from Palace Hotel Tokyo, well-established for hotel as well as a gift for sweets and gourmet food.
Palace Hotel Tokyo, located an 8-minute walk from Tokyo Station and directly connected to the Otemachi subway line, is said to have started as a state-owned hotel that opened in 1947.
At the pastry shop SWEETS & DELI in the hotel, they have hotel-made sweets such as chocolates, baked goods, cakes, and a wide variety of goods including deli, confiture, bread, etc. There are many items that are perfect for gifts.
“Gâteau Banane” is a flavorful pound cake with plenty of bananas kneaded in. And the cake is baked with the ingredients in particular way.
The moist cake is appetizing with the sweet scent of banana, and the sweet and sour flavor of bananas is just amazing.
It contains plenty of bananas, and the gentle homely taste would please everyone.
It is also recommended for Christmas.
Available at Palace Hotel Tokyo’s pastry shop SWEETS & DELI, and their online shop.
Palace Hotel Tokyo https://www.palacehoteltokyo.com/restaurants-bars/sweets_deli/
“Gâteau Banane” 1,620 yen (tax incl.)
Dec 20, 2019