イタリア パスティリエ・レオーネ ラムネ

*English follows Japanese.
イタリアで創業160年以上というこちらの老舗の「パスティリエ・レオーネ 」のラムネ、イタリアではスーパーなどで手軽に買えますが、日本では東京の三鷹の「シミシェッダ」というイタリアの家庭料理のお店でしか取り扱ってないそう。
シミシェッダ https://m.facebook.com/Scimisciedda/
パスティリエ・レオーネ ラムネ 各 918円(税込)
Pastiglie Leone sells tablet candies, a popular souvenir from Italy.
“Pastiglie Leone” was founded in Italy over 160 years ago. You can find their tablet candies at any supermarkets in Italy. In Japan, however, it is only available at an Italian home cooking restaurant called “Scimisciedda” in Mitaka, Tokyo.
The tablets are in a cute and delightful can.
The highlight of this product I recommend is that it uses a natural fragrance and natural coloring for these in pastel colors.
You can taste of each fruit which proves they are not just colored.
Sweetness is not too tangy as hitting the head which is likely common in children’s snacks. Since it is additive-free, you don’t have to worried if your kids eat a lot of them.
They have mint flavor that adults favor, so this product will be appreciated by both adult women and children!
Scimisciedda https://m.facebook.com/Scimisciedda/
Pastiglie Leone: Tablet candies in can 918 yen each (tax included)