グリーンビーントゥバーチョコレート- green been to bar CHOCOLATE 「ORANGETTE(オランジェット)」

*English follows Japanese.
以前もご紹介した green been to bar CHOCOLATE ですが、今回はこちらのお店の「ORANGETTE (オランジェット)」をご紹介したいと思います。
green bean to bar CHOCOLATE にはカフェが併設してありチョコやケーキに合わせる飲み物として、日本酒やワイン、シャンパーニュなどがメニューとしてあります。
ORANGETTE (オランジェット)を一口食べてみて、たしかにお酒を一口飲みたくなりました。まさに「大人のチョコ」の印象です。
green been to bar CHOCOLATE ORANGETTE(オランジェット) 1袋35g 540円(税込)
【green bean to bar CHOCOLATE: ORANGETTE】
green bean to bar CHOCOLATE, which I wrote about previously, also provides a product “ORANGETTE”
Made from organic orange coated with cocoa powder and chocolate, the harmony of the refined taste of cacao in chocolate and the natural sweetness of orange brings you a sense of euphoria.
Unlike the sweetness of ordinary orangette with candied orange peel which is often too strong, the slight sweetness and bitterness of this chocolate are impressive.
green bean to bar CHOCOLATE has a café. They serve sake, wine, champagne, etc. to match chocolates and cakes.
That’s right, this chocolate goes well with alcohol too!
When I tried ORANGETTE, for sure it made me want to drink a sip of alcohol.
It is indeed “the chocolate for adults”.
With a drink, the chocolate would make a good present for Valentine’s day to your boyfriend, even if he doesn’t have a sweet tooth. Give it a try!
Available at the store and online.
green bean to bar CHOCOLATE ORANGETTE 1 bag 35 g 540 yen (tax included)