
*English follows Japanese.
今回ご紹介するのは、料亭の味をおもたせにしたてる紫野 和久傳の「蓮もち」です。
和久傳 http://www.wakuden.jp/
「蓮もち」 1,620円(税込み)
【Murasakino Wakuden: Hasu mochi】
Today, I would like to introduce a gift, the “Hasu mochi” by Murasakino Wakuden, a traditional Japanese restaurant.
The lotus powder made from lotus root and Wasanbon molasses are carefully kneaded to make this “Hasu mochi.” The texture is thick, chewy and jiggly. Wasanbon molasses are plain and tasteful like brown sugar. You must fall in love with this Japanese sweet.
Since it has an elegant taste of the very traditional Japanese restaurant, it should be enjoyed by all generations such as people in important relationships, and families with children.
Of course it is also recommended for moms, to treat yourself while kids are out.
In Tokyo, they have stores in Marunouchi, Isetan Shinjuku and Tamagawa Takashimaya. It is also available at online store.
Wakuden http://www.wakuden.jp/
“Hasu mochi” 1,620 yen (tax included)