長野 KAJITSU KIKAKU(果実企画)「信州星ノ実ぶどう」
*English follows Japanese.
今回はKAJITSU KIKAKU(果実企画)のドライフルーツ「信州星ノ実ぶどう」をご紹介したいと思います。
平成16年の台風で何千房もの巨峰が畑に落果し、それを一つ一つ丁寧にに洗い乾燥させてドラフルーツにした事が企業のきっかけになったと言うこちらのKAJITSU KIKAKU(果実企画)さん。
こちらの「信州星ノ実ぶどう」は長野市にある ripe という直営店と長野地方のサービスエリアのみの取り扱いになるそうですが、気になるという方は電話での注文も受け付けているそう。
その他色々な種類のドライフルーツもございますので、KAJITSU KIKAKU のオンラインショップをご覧になってみてください。
「信州星ノ実ぶどう」 一箱12個入り 1,630円(税込)
【KAJITSU KIKAKU: Shinshu Hoshinomi Grapes】
KAJITSU KIKAKU sells dried fruit “Shinshu Hoshinomi Grapes”.
The typhoon in 2004 dropped thousands of bunches of grapes on the field. It was a start of KAJITSU KIKAKU. They gently washed them one by one and dried them to make dried fruits.
There are various kinds of dried fruits, such as grapes and apples, mandarin oranges and persimmons. All of fruits are grown with the producers’ passion.
“Shinshu Hoshinomi Grapes” is seedless Kyoho and Chardonnay, which is rare as dried fruits, packed in small bags.
It’s great because it uses no sugar, coloring, preservatives, or oil!
Kyoho has a strong grape-flavore and a natural sweetness.
Chardonnay is an dry fruit that has a good balance between sourness and sweetness, and the seed is an accent. You can’t help eating once you put into your mouth…
Both are naturally sweet. The package is simple and fashionable. Any generation will enjoy them.
“Shinshu Hoshinomi Grapes” is only avaiable at “ripe” the company store in Nagano City and the highway rest area in the Nagano region. They also accept orders over the phone.
There are many different kinds of dried fruits, take a look at KAJITSU KIKAKU online.
“Shinshu Hoshinomi Grapes” 12 pieces in box 1,630 yen (tax included)