アサコイワヤナギ 「スイーツとコーヒーのペアリングギフト」

*English follows Japanese.
「パティスリー アサコイワヤナギ」といえば、宝石のようなパフェで有名ですよね?そんな、今メディアで話題の「パティスリー アサコイワヤナギ」のホワイトデーにぴったりのギフトをご紹介します。
パティスリー アサコイワヤナギ 「 スイーツとコーヒーのペアリングギフト」 1,000円(税抜き)
【Patisserie Asako Iwayanagi: Sweets and coffee pairing gift】
“Patisserie Asako Iwayanagi”, is well known for gem-like parfait.
Now the shop is a topic in the media. They sell the gift for White Day.
The product is a set of sablé, tablet chocolate, and coffee which goes good with these sweets.
Sablé has less sweetness and a light texture.
It melts in your mouth once your eat it.
The popular tablet chocolate here is 67, 1% black, so the cacao and sweetness are well balanced. It tastes elegant, which is for adults. It also goes very well with a bland coffee that has some acidity.
Because the price is very affordable, the product would suit as a thank-you gift to Valentine Day.
I would be pleased if my husband gives it to me.
For all men who read this article, this may be a great chance to show how much you know about your girl. So why don’t you pick this product for her?
Tablet chocolates are sold at the online store, but this product is sold only at the physical store during the White Day period.
In addition, there is a staff dedicated to drinks. You can ask them for a good combination with sweets and coffees that match it to make an original gift.
Patisserie Asako Iwayanagi “sweets and coffee pairing gift” 1,000 yen (excluding tax)